10 Ways to Make New Customers Feel Welcome

According to research by Accenture, companies in the United States lose around $1.6 trillion because of customers switching to other brands or stores as a result of poor customer service. The result of the study was not surprising because, for consumers, customer experience matters more than the price and product.

To ensure that your customers feel welcome in your stores, you need to consider a few things. Your staff must be smiling at all times and should sport a pleasing aura and appearance. Also, customers must feel that your attention is solely on them. Lastly, your staff must mind their manners.

Remember that your smile serves as your logo in business, and your personality becomes your business card. Meanwhile, how your customers felt after experiencing your products and services becomes your trademark. Learn more about the ways to keep customers welcome and delighted by reading further.

What is Customer Service?

Customer service includes welcoming new customers. In essence, it is the act of advocating and supporting customers in their optimization, use, discovery, and troubleshooting of a service or product. Moreover, it involves processes supporting teams to create excellent customer service to happen.

The goal here is to foster well-rounded and better relationships with customers. To achieve this, you must welcome your customers properly first, make them feel happy and relaxed when they visit your store or business premises. The longer they stay, and the more frequent they come, the higher the chance of achieving your ultimate goal.

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10 Ways to Welcome New Customers

Here are some tips for making sure that your new customers are welcome in your store.

Give Your Customers an Impression That They are in The Right Place

If you see a new customer or a regular having trouble with something, you can offer help by saying, “I can help you with that.” Doing so will make them feel at ease and comfortable, knowing someone can assist them. That statement is enough to give a good impression about your customer services.

Moreover, offering your help makes them feel that there is someone who will take personal responsibility for managing your request. The pronoun “I” may be short but has the greatest impact on language.

Do Not Make Them Wait Long

Avoid placing a customer in a phone queue or lengthy check-out line because it makes them feel unimportant. Ponder on the number of customers hung up or walked out from a store because their waiting time is unacceptable. On your end, you should exert efforts in making them wait to a minimum.

Give Special Attention to New Customers

In all cases, you should give new customers special attention. Strategize in developing a detailed checklist of the things that you can share with your customers. It can be about your business’s philosophy and return policies or your years in service.

New customers appreciate it when you pour extra time welcoming them and sharing interesting facts about your business.

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Never Tell your Customers “Do Not Reply” in Emails

Most companies commit the mistake of sending “Do Not Reply” emails to customers who signed up for their e-commerce site. If it is your first time communicating with a customer, avoid sending such an email because it makes you seem unwelcoming.

Creating a personalized welcome letter may take some time, but it will positively impact customers. If you plan to do this, you can be yourself to create an accessible atmosphere.

Relationship Invitation

Building a relationship with each customer at every encounter may seem impossible. As a company, your goal is to equip your staff with skills in inviting a relationship. If you do this, no doubt there are customers who will not fail to notice this because they seek to feel wanted.

The feeling you are creating is similar to extending your hand for a handshake, which is enough to start a connection.

Fostering Human Connection

Listening to the underlying emotion your customers are trying to imply or conceal matters. You need to gauge whether a customer is disappointed, happy, frustrated, etc.

Knowing how to spot these emotions sets the stage for an essential conversation. It is as if offering your customers warmth.

Personalize their experience

Every customer is unique. For instance, one customer may be buying a coat for her trip to Japan for the first time. Another would be someone looking for thicker coats for a winter trip in Europe. Knowing the needs of your customers will automatically personalize their transactions with you.

Remember, no two individuals have the exact needs and circumstances.

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Customers Can Quickly Flee from E-Commerce

The design of e-commerce is important for anonymous transactions with customers. Customers can easily decide to find what they need somewhere else if the company’s site fails to provide means for customers to communicate with a human for their inquiries and concerns.

Anyhow, who would want to talk to a robot?

Do Not Be Confused Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Customers will not go out of their way to return for repeat service or repurchase just because they are satisfied with the interaction you have provided them. In some cases, the strongest bond may not be because of brands or the store itself but the relationship between them.

To sustain customer loyalty, you may want to think about incorporating a human component. Bear in mind that loyalty is like glue and not only about satisfaction. Your company’s services and products will just be an ordinary commodity without a connection with your customer.

First Impressions Last

Ever since you were young, you have heard that first impressions matter the most. It is safe to say that customer interactions are like interviews, and they have the power to decide whether they will buy or visit again or not. As for your business, you only have one chance to make a great impression.

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In business, you have to bear in mind that customers have infinite options. Your task is to make your staff equipped with skills and strategies to welcome customers and help them get what they need. Keep in mind these ten simple steps in welcoming new and returning customers.

Featured photo by Pablo Merchán Montes – Unsplash

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