The ‘Open tickets’ feature is mainly used by types of businesses, such as cafes and restaurants, where there is a time gap between the placement of an order (ticket) and its payment. Open Tickets allows you to work with multiple orders (i.e. create, save and edit) at the same time and complete them when needed.
How to set up ‘Open tickets’ feature
- To start using the ‘Open tickets’ feature, go to Back Office > Settings > Features and switch the Open tickets toggle on. Tap Save.

How to create an Open ticket
- Go to the Point of Sale.
- Create a ticket and tap Save.

- A window pops up with the name of the ticket generated automatically with reference to the time of creation. Edit the name and/or add a comment, if you like. The system also gives you an option to attach it to a predefined ticket, if available, by tapping Custom ticket and selecting the right one from the dropdown list.
- Tap Save to save the ticket.

- Once you tap Save, a new sale screen will appear.
- You can proceed to accepting new orders now, or you can tap the Open Tickets button to view the list of open/saved tickets and proceed to processing them. The list shows up in alphabetical order by name with the last update date & time and the employee indicated underneath.

How to process an Open ticket
- To process an open ticket, find it in the list and tap on it. Use the search bar to find the ticket, if the list is too long.

- Now you can process the ticket, taking such actions as:
- adding or removing items (see How to make sales with Alto’s POS);
- editing the name of the ticket (see below);
- combining it with other tickets or splitting it (see How to merge and split open tickets);
- assigning it to another employee (see How to assign an open ticket);
- voiding (i.e. deleting) it (see below);
- closing it (see below).

- To edit the name of the ticket, tap the vertical ellipsis (⋮) in the upper right corner of the screen and select Edit ticket.

- Edit the name of the ticket and tap Save.

- To void or delete the ticket, tap the vertical ellipsis (⋮) and select Void ticket.

- Tap Confirm.

- If the order is complete and you want to close the open ticket, then tap Charge and complete the sale as usual.

- If you want to restrict your employees from voiding open tickets or removing items in them, go to Back Office > Users > Access rights, open the employee role and under Point of Sale uncheck the box “Void saved items in open tickets” and save.